Sydney, Nova Scotia

Our next stop on the cruise was Sydney, Nova Scotia. I desperately want to visit Scotland one day, so it was exciting to visit some cities in New Scotland (aka Nova Scotia). Sydney was our first stop in Nova Scotia.

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
The Big Fiddle

When we arrived to the port of Sydney, we were greeted by the world’s largest fiddle. It’s a reminder of the musical heritage and Celtic music that is continuously played on Cape Brenton Island. Side note, Cape Brenton is one of the few places in North America where Gaelic is still spoken!

For our stop in Sydney, we decided to do the Fortress of Louisbourg shore excursion with our cruise line. The journey started by getting on a bus and having an introduction to Sydney as we made our way through the historic north end and back in time to 1744 at the Fortress of Louisbourg.

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
Lighthouse in the Distance

Louisbourg was once the capital of Cape Brenton Island and a seaport. Looking out at the ocean, I could envision giant ships sailing towards us. The history is still alive and the fortress continues to provide an entertaining experience with costumed actors reenacting the lives of specific individuals from the pre-siege era. Our guide told us we could stop and talk to the actors to ask them anything about daily life in 1744. End of June to the beginning of August is when you’ll see the most costumed interpreters walking around since it’s peak season.

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
King’s Bastion

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla BoswellSydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla BoswellSydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla BoswellSydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla BoswellSydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
McLennan Center

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
Desroches House in the Distance
Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
Dauphin Gate
Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
Dauphin Demi-Bastion

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell

Sydney, Nova Scotia - Ayla Boswell
King’s Garden

Other Thing To Do Around Sydney: Village of Baddeck, Alexander Graham Bell Museum, Bras d’Or Lakes, Cabot Trail, Whitney Pier, Historical Museum, Pub Crawl

Have you been to Cape Breton Island? What was your favorite thing to see? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. Any advice for planning a trip to Scotland would be nice too!

-Ayla ♥

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